
The music program at Grace is a vital part of our worship and an important method of outreach to the community. The Choral Scholar Program provides students the opportunity for training and experience. The Music at Grace Concert Series is another important form of outreach, providing the opportunity for the community to hear world-class musicians in free concerts.


Jonathan Leonard is from Hagerstown, MD and is a 2001 graduate of South Hagerstown High School. He began organ study in 1999 with C. Randall Williams who was Organist/Choir Director at St. Mark’s Lutheran Church. His teachers have been Mark King (Hagerstown Community College and Shepherd University), Dr. Ann Labounsky and Dr. David Craighead (Duquesne University). He has served as Director of Music at Grace United Methodist Church, Hagerstown, MD, since 2014. In his time at Grace UMC, he has overseen the start of a Choral Scholarship Program, the Music at Grace Concert Series, and the replacement of the pipe organ. Since 2021 he has also been the Director of Traditional Music and Organist for St. John's Lutheran Church, Hagerstown. Prior to arriving at Grace, he was an accompanist for Holy Trinity Episcopal Church, Gainesville, FL and has served at St. Paul’s Lutheran Church Funkstown, MD; Emmanuel UMC Hagerstown, MD; St. Paul’s UMC Smithsburg, MD; Grace Anglican Church Sewickley, PA; Organ Scholar at St. John’s Episcopal Church, Hagerstown, MD. He has performed concerts in Maryland, Pennsylvania, Virginia, and Florida. Since 2018 he has also been a pipe organ technician for Lawless & Associates Pipe Organ Company (Lewis & Hitchcock Pipe Organ Company) in Greencastle, PA and is now their Tonal Director.
In 2016 a new pipe organ was built for Grace by Luley & Associates, Inc. of Pittsburgh, PA. This new organ replaced the aging Moller pipe organ. Grace purchased a new pipe organ from the Moller organ company of Hagerstown, MD in 1929 for the new sanctuary. This organ was Moller's Opus 5452. This organ served the congregation well for 45 years. In 1974 Grace had Moller return to rebuild the organ, replace the console, and to make significant tonal modifications. This became Moller's Opus R-913. The rebuilt instrument served another 40 years for the congregation. By 2014 the Moller organ was having significant mechanical problems in addition to a mismatched tonal scheme that was unsupportive of the choir and congregation. In 2015 the church sought out organ builders to determine the best course of action in dealing with the Moller organ. The congregation voted to sign a contract with Luley & Associates, Inc. to install a new pipe organ. Work began with removing the old organ in June 2016. The new organ was completed in May 2017 and Nathan Laube played the Dedication Recital on June 4, 2017 to a full audience. During the time that the new organ was under construction all of the old carpet was removed from the sanctuary and the original wood flooring was refinished. The sanctuary was also repainted during this time and the lighting was upgraded to LED.

Luley & Associates, Inc
Three manuals, 26 ranks
16' Bourdon
8' First Open Diapason
8' Second Open Diapason
8' Stopped Diapason*
8' Harmonic Flute (SO)
8' Salicional (SW)
8' Voix Celeste tc (SW)
4' Octave
4' Flute*
2 2/3' Twelfth (pf)
2' Super Octave
1 3/5' Seventeenth (pf)
III Mixture
8' Trumpet (SW)
8' Oboe (SW)
4' Clarion (SW)
Great to Great 16'
Great Unison Off
Great to Great 4'
16' Contra Salicional
8' Open Diapason*
8' Chimney Flute
8' Salicional
8' Voix Celeste tc
4' Octave*
4' Open Flute
2-2/3' Nasard tc*
2' Fifteenth
2' Piccolo
1-3/5' Tierce tc
III Mixture
16' Contra Fagotto
8' Trumpet
8' Oboe
4' Clarion
Swell to Swell 16'
Swell Unison Off
Swell to Swell 4'
8' Harmonic Flute
8' Gamba
8' Gamba Celeste tc
8' Salicional (SW)
8' Voix Celeste (SW)
4' Octave Gamba
4' Gamba Celeste
V Cornet (SW)
8' Trumpet (SW)
8' Oboe (SW)
8' Clarinet
16' Tuba Mirabilis
8' Tuba Mirabilis (8" wind)
4' Tuba Mirabilis
Chimes (GT)
32' Contra Bourdon (1-12 electronic)
16' Diapason (ext GT)
16' Subbass*
16' Bourdon* (GT)
16' Contra Salicional (SW)
8' Open Diapason (GT)
8' Viole (GT)
8' Chimney Flute (SW)
8' Salicional (SW)
4' Octave (GT)
32' Contra Fagotto (1-12 electronic)
16' Trombone (5" wind)
16' Fagotto (SW)
8' Tromba
8' Trumpet (SW)
4' Clarion (SW)
Couplers and Combinations
Swell to Great 16 8 4
Solo to Great 8
Solo to Swell 8
Swell to Solo 16 8 4
Great to Pedal 8
Swell to Pedal 8
Swell to Pedal 4
Solo to Pedal 8
Solo to Pedal 4
*indicates pipes from previous instrument
16 General Pistons
12 General Toe Pistons
8 Great Divisional Pistons
8 Swell Divisional Pistons
6 Solo Divisional Pistons
5 Pedal Divisional Pistons
Syndyne Solid State System